The topics below are not exhaustive for this division.
Contest problems may contain topics not covered in the guide, or topics listed under different divisions!
Modules Progress
Problems Progress
Dynamic Programming
Most Gold and Platinum contests have at least one DP problem.
Introduction to DP
Very Frequent
Speeding up naive recursive solutions with memoization.
Knapsack DP
Not Frequent
Problems that can be modeled as filling a limited-size container with items.
Paths on Grids
Not Frequent
Counting the number of "special" paths on a grid, and how some string problems can be solved using grids.
Longest Increasing Subsequence
Has Not Appeared
Finding and using the longest increasing subsequence of an array.
Bitmask DP
Not Frequent
DP problems that require iterating over subsets.
Updated: 3 weeks ago
Range DP
Solving a DP problem on every contiguous subarray of the original array.
Updated: 3 weeks ago
Digit DP
Finding the number of integers in a range that have a property.
Most Silver to Platinum contests have at least one graph problem.
Shortest Paths with Unweighted Edges
Not Frequent
Introduces how BFS can be used to find shortest paths in unweighted graphs.
Disjoint Set Union
Somewhat Frequent
The Disjoint Set Union (DSU) data structure, which allows you to add edges to a graph and test whether two vertices of the graph are connected.
Topological Sort
Ordering the vertices of a directed acyclic graph such that each vertex is visited before its children.
Shortest Paths with Non-Negative Edge Weights
Not Frequent
Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, and Dijkstra.
Minimum Spanning Trees
Not Frequent
Finding a subset of the edges of a connected, undirected, edge-weighted graph that connects all the vertices to each other of minimum total weight.
Data Structures
More Operations on Sorted Sets
Not Frequent
Finding the next element smaller or larger than a specified key in a sorted set, and using iterators with sorted sets.
Updated: 3 days ago
(Optional) Sorted Sets with Custom Comparators
Incorporating custom comparators into standard library containers.
Updated: 3 days ago
A data structure that only allows insertion and deletion at one end.
Sliding Window
Not Frequent
Maintaining data over consecutive subarrays.
Point Update Range Sum
Somewhat Frequent
Segment Tree, Binary Indexed Tree, and Order Statistic Tree (in C++).
Updated: 3 days ago
Additional Topics
Rarely required.
Congratulations on making it this far!